


The Baianas are the life of our parade!

Become a Baiana for a day and pay tribute to the fantastic history behind the woman with white tailored upper garment, white flowing huge skirts with broad sashes, abundance of necklaces and jewelry, pleasing graceful appearance, good fortune and contentment.

She endured changes from the beginning of the 16th century in the household with a determination to become a leader and make fundamental changes to their society.

Today we are proud to help her maintain her tradition and perpetuate the legacy which still fascinates and had gained respect from past admirers like Carmen Miranda whose inspirational costumes and jewelry were derived from the traditional Baiana.

In 2009 the States of Recife and Rio de Janeiro were  added to the sections of the Lavagem parade, anyone wishing to sign up, feel free to do so.

Please send your information as soon as possible specifying which section below you'd like to be a participant.


a.) Ala das Baianas (BAHIA)
b.) Ala Frevo (RECIFE)
c.) Ala Cidade Maravilhosa (RIO DE JANEIRO)
d.) Ala Eu Sou do Sul (Rio Grande do Sul)
e.) Ala Mascarados e Cavaleiros de Pirenópolis (Goias)

We are not-for-profit and run entirely by individuals like you who are willing and committed to us. Since we are run entirely by volunteers, we need all the help we can get. Thank you for your willingness to join in our efforts!

We make every effort to give everyone who volunteers as a Baiana a place in the Parade.

Bring your friends and join us!

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Your information:

First Name*
Last Name*
Would you be interested in organizing events as well or just day-of volunteering?*

Is there anything additional that you'd like to let us know about you? Are there any specific positions you're interested in?
I understand and agree. Please read the following agreement before proceeding:

I understand that I, the applicant, am submitting an application for volunteer service with the Lavagem da Rua 46. I understand that, as a volunteer, I am not an employee of Lavagem da Rua 46 and that I am not eligible to receive compensation or payment for my voluntary services.

I further agree to comply with all directions, schedules, and rules set forth by the Volunteer Coordinator & other authorized representatives of Lavagem da Rua 46. I agree to release Lavagem da Rua 46 from any & all liability for any injury and/or damage that may occur while volunteering for Lavagem da Rua 46/Cleansing of 46th Street.



Ala das Baianas

Ala Cidade Maravilhosa

Ala do Frevo

Ala Eu Sou do Sul

Ala Mascarados e Cavaleiros de Pirenópolis



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